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» USA,Vermont: Lake Willoughby & Sandy Hook
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» Presentation de CoolBoy
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» Un amour de cascade
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» Renouveau du naturisme en France : nus et heureux de l’être
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 Spermatozoïdes vigoureux

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Grand bavard

Lieu : Nogent le Rotrou (France)

Inscription : 06/08/2010

Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 8 Jan 2011 - 14:44

Cela ne changera pas la qualité et la quantité des spermatozoïdes. Et donc la fertilité. ;)

Et puis, quand on est un mec hétéro, le goût... :lol:
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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSam 8 Jan 2011 - 16:50

On parle de plastique et de micro-ondes... Saviez-vous qu'en russie, il n'y a pas de Micro-ondes dans les maisons?
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Carrément intarissable

Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Jan 2011 - 9:54

Le problème, ce n'est pas les micro-ondes comme telles. C'est juste un
moyen de transmettre de l'énergie (de la chaleur) aux molécules d'eau).
Le problème, c'est le bol de plastique qu'on utilise. Comme c'est le
bord du plat qui chauffe le plus, le plastique est soumis à une chaleur
intense; ceux qui ne sont pas prévus pour ça se décomposent un peu et
libèrent des tas de composés volatils... dans la bouffe que tu
réchauffes. Dont les fameux phtalanes et compagnie.

L'idéal est vraiment un plat de verre, de pyrex, de grès. de
porcelaine... Tous des matériaux inertes qu'on peut cuaffer sans aucun
souci. En plus, c'est plus écologique que le plastique, qui a forcément
une durée de vie limitée. Je me sers ici de certains plats de pyrex
dont j'ai hérité de ma grand-mère. Mais un plat de plastique, même de
grade micro-ondes, est à jeter après quelques mois.
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Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeDim 9 Jan 2011 - 9:58

Chatouille a écrit:
non moi je croix qu'il faut manger des kiwis sa le rend sucrer.

Le commentaire était un peu hors d'ordre sur le forum, mais je parler
de toi à Francis Reddy, on ne sait jamais, il cherche peut-être une
chroniqueuse pour Des kiwis et des hommes! :mrgreen:
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Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 0:29

Autre coupable possible pour les spermatozoïdes de faible qualité: le
soya - souvent présenté comme aliment miracle, il comporte un certain
nombre de problèmes et il est déconseillé aux enfants et aux femmes
enceintes, parce qu'il contient des substances qui imitent les
oestrogènes - vous savez, cette hormone féminine qu'on trouve dans les
contraceptifs oraux.

Trouvé sur Internet:

"Les enfants nourris au soja sont particulièrement en danger en raison des hauts niveaux de phytoestrogènes dans le soja.

Les filles largement nourries avec des produits du soja se développent prématurément.

Les garçons expérimentent un développement sexuel retardé ou incomplet,
certains devenant même stériles ou développant des seins.

Quelques garçons ayant des organes sexuels qui ne deviennent pas matures !

Les enfants nourris exclusivement avec des laits maternisés à base de
soja ont entre 13 et 22 000 fois plus de composés d'oestrogène dans
leur sang que les bébés nourris avec des préparations de lait

Ceci est l'équivalent d'oestrogène de cinq pilules anticonceptionnelles par jour !"
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Moulin à paroles

Lieu : Pierrefonds

Inscription : 04/03/2010

Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 1:01

Si c'était vrai, Balian, la Chine ne serait pas le pays le plus peuplé du monde, vous ne pensez pas ?
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Grand bavard

Lieu : Nogent le Rotrou (France)

Inscription : 06/08/2010

Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 1:35

J'ai un doute aussi. D'ailleurs, l'article complet donne un point de vue bien différent : fertilité - Le sojapeut-il réduire le nombre de spermatozoïdes ?
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Carrément intarissable

Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 7:58

Les Chinois consomment surtout le soya comme assaisonnement - en
moyenne, 10 grammes par jour. et surtout du soya fermenté (la
fementation améliore ses propriétés). L'argument est donc plus fragile
qu'il n'y paraît. Déjà, certains pays, dont la France, émettent des
avis comme quoi le soya n'est pas recommandé aux enfants de moins de
trois ans.

Mais il est possible - et là, je m'avance sans preuves - que ce soit un
effet combiné. Imaginez un petit garçon dont le développement foetal
été retardé par un perturbateur endocrinien du plastiques. Maintenant,
en bas âge, bourrez-le de lait de soya contenant des hormones féminine.
Rendu à l'âge adulte, cet enfant sera-t-il capable de produire du
sperme de qualité? On peut en douter.
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Carrément intarissable

Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 10:07

Tiens, je viens de trouver des éléments qui vont dans le sens que de ce que j'avançais plus haut:

Feeding Babies Infant Soy Formula Is Like Giving Them Birth Control Pills

* It's been found that babies given infant soy formulas have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen than babies fed milk-based formulas.
* Babies fed exclusively on infant soy formula are receiving the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least four or five birth control pills per day! You read that right. Four or five birth control pills per day! Here's the reference so you can check this out for yourself. [Irvine, C. et al., "The Potential Adverse Effects of Soybean Phytoestrogens in Infant Feeding", New Zealand Medical Journal May 24, 1995, p. 318.] By contrast, dairy-based infant formula contains almost no phytoestrogens, nor does human milk, even when the mother eats soy products. (Sally Fallon & Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.)
* There has been an increase of delayed physical maturation among boys, including lack of development of sexual organs.
* Conversely, many girls today show signs of puberty, such as breast development and pubic hair, before the age of eight, and some even before the age of three.
* Both of these abnormal conditions have been linked to the use of soy formulas as well as to exposure to "environmental estrogens" such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)a breakdown product of DDT.

Would you want to knowingly expose your tiny infant to the dangers of soy formula?
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Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 10:45

Et ceci, plus détaillé:

Soy and Reproduction: Breeding Discontent
Scientists have known since the mid-1940s that phytoestrogens can impair fertility. Fertility problems in cows, sheep, rabbits, cheetahs, guinea pigs, birds, and mice have all been reported.63, 64 Although scientists discovered only recently that soy lowers testosterone levels,65 tofu has traditionally been used in Buddhist monasteries to decrease the libido, and by Japanese women to punish straying husbands. Humans and animals appear to be the most vulnerable to the effects of soy estrogens prenatally, during infancy and puberty, during pregnancy and lactation, and during the hormonal shifts of menopause. Of all these groups, infants on soy formula are at the highest risk because of their small size and developmental phase, and because formula is their main source of nutrient.66, 67

A crucial time for the programming of the human reproduction system is right after birth-the very time when bottles of soy formula are given to many non-breastfed babies. Normally during this period, the body surges with natural estrogens, testosterones, and other hormones that are meant to program the baby's reproductive development from infancy through puberty and into adulthood. For infants on soy formula, this programming may be interrupted.68-70

Male infants experience a testosterone surge during the first few months of life and produce androgens in amounts equal to those of adult men. So much testosterone at such a tender age is needed to program the body for puberty, the time when a male's sex organs should develop and he should begin to express male characteristics such as facial and pubic hair and a deep voice. If receptor sites intended for the hormone testosterone are occupied by soy estrogens, however, appropriate development may never take place.71-74 To date, most of the evidence damning soy formula can be found only in animal studies, because investigations in which humans' sex hormone levels are lowered experimentally cannot ethically be done. However, in the years since soy formula has been in the marketplace, parents and pediatricians have reported growing numbers of boys whose physical maturation is either delayed or does not occur at all. Breasts, underdeveloped gonads, undescended testicles (cryptorchidism), and steroid insufficiencies are increasingly common. Sperm counts are also falling.75-79

Soy formula is bad news for girls as well. Natural estrogen levels approximately double during the first month of life, then decline and remain at low levels until puberty. With increased estrogens in the environment in the diet, an alarming number of girls are entering puberty much earlier than normal.80-82 One percent of girls now show signs of puberty, such as breast development or pubic hair, before the age of three. By the age of eight, 14.7 percent of Caucasian girls and 48.3 percent of African American girls had one or both of these characteristics.83 The fact that blacks experience earlier puberties than whites is not a racial difference but a recent phenomenon.84, 85

Most experts blame this epidemic of "precocious puberty" on environmental estrogens from plastics, pesticides, commercial meats, etc., but some pediatric endocrinologists believe that soy is a contributor.86 Of all the estrogens found in the environment, soy is the likeliest explanation of why African American girls reach puberty so quickly. Since its establishment in 1974, the federal government's Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program has provided free infant formula to teenage and other low-income mothers while failing to encourage breastfeeding. Because of perceived or real lactose intolerance, black babies are much more likely to receive soy formula than Caucasian babies.

Early maturation in girls heralds reproductive problems later in life, including amenorrhea (failure to menstruate), anovulatory cycles (cycles in which no egg is released), impaired follicular development (follicles failing to mature and develop into healthy eggs), erratic hormonal surges, and other problems associated with infertility. Because the mammary glands depend on estrogen for their development and functioning, the presence of soy estrogens at a susceptible time might predispose girls to breast cancer, another condition that is on the rise and definitively linked to early puberty.87
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Carrément intarissable

Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Vide
MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 11:55

Intéressant aussi, les "doses dangereuses":

For Adults
A glass a day melts the thyroid away. From USA Womans World, Mar 16 2001. AVOIDING SOY .... as little as 30mg of soy isoflavones--the amount in 5-8 ounces of soy milk - have been proven to suppress thyroid function. "The isoflavones in soy act like a hormone in the body. And in many women, especially those who eat large amounts of concentrated soy powder or take isoflavone supplments, this disturbs the body's hormonal balance, triggering or worsening thyroid problems," explains Dr. Larian Gillespie, author of "The Goddess Diet". Some experts are even calling for the makers of soy products to remove these antithyroid isoflavones from their products.

For Infants
In simple terms. The dose in soy baby formulas means an infant gets the dose-equivalent of an adult woman taking up to ten pills a day. Or, a baby in its first year gets a total antifertility dose of 100 Pill-equivalents. Swiss Federal Health Service , 100 g soy protein = Contraceptive Pill

For Males
Testosterone Reduction
Nagata and colleagues have reported an inverse association between soy product intake and serum hormone concentrations in Japanese men. Research has demonstrated that chemical compounds can have a number of other effects .The isoflavone dose was 22mg/day. Two glasses of soy milk can contain up to 100mg of isoflavones

For Women
Disruption of the Menstrual Cycle ( a harbinger of potential fertility problems) was caused by 45 mg/day for only 30 days. That is less than the quantity of isoflavones in two glasses of soy milk. Irregular cycles are also a risk factor for breast cancer.
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Carrément intarissable

Lieu : Longueuil

Inscription : 10/08/2008

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 13:42

Avec des chiffres plus précis sur le compte de spermatos - en gros, deux boissons au soya par semaine réduisent le nombre de spermatos de 33 à 50%!

Soya-based foods may harm male fertility, say scientists· Study links ingredient to lower sperm count

Chemical mimics female sex hormone
Ian Sample, science correspondent, The Guardian, Thursday July 24 2008

Men who eat soya-based foods may be harming their fertility, doctors said yesterday, after a study found a link between soya-rich diets and lower sperm counts.

The study showed men who consumed more than two portions of soya-based foods a week had, on average, 41m fewer sperm per millilitre of semen than men who had never eaten soya products.

The apparent fall in sperm count is unlikely to make healthy men infertile, but some experts said it could have a significant impact on those already with lower than average sperm counts. A sperm count of between 80m and 120m per ml is regarded as normal, while men who produce fewer than 20m sperm per ml are regarded as clinically subfertile.

The study, by Jorge Chavarro at Harvard school of public health in Boston, builds on previous research in animals and on human tissues that has suggested certain ingredients in soya could harm sperm production.

Male fertility has been in decline in the west for several decades, with about 20% of young Europeans having a low sperm count, while levels of soya have risen steadily in the western diet since the 1940s because it is a cheap source of protein. Soya-based products are now found in two-thirds of manufactured food including biscuits, sweets, pasta and bread, according to the Institute of Food Research in Norwich.

In the biggest human study into the effects of soya on fertility, Chavarro and colleagues at Massachusetts General hospital recruited 99 men who had visited a fertility clinic between 2000 and 2006. The men were asked to fill out a questionnaire which asked them about the amounts of 15 different soya foods they had eaten over the previous three months. The researchers then put the men into four groups according to the levels of chemicals called isoflavones in their diets. Isoflavones are ingredients in soya products that mimic the female sex hormone, oestrogen. Each man then provided a sperm sample for testing.

Chavarro found that men who consumed at least half a portion of soya food a day had the lowest sperm counts.

"Our findings suggest that the greater the soya food intake is, the lower the sperm concentration, compared with men who never consume soya food," said Chavarro, whose study appears in the journal Human Reproduction.

Richard Sharpe, of the Medical Research Council's human reproductive sciences unit, said: "The take-home message could be that if you've got an already low sperm count ... soya foods are probably not a good idea for you, as they could have a real impact on your fertility by further lowering your sperm count."
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Discoureur verbeux

Lieu : Trois-Rivières

Inscription : 24/05/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeLun 10 Jan 2011 - 18:46

chanterelle a écrit:
On parle de plastique et de micro-ondes... Saviez-vous qu'en russie, il n'y a pas de Micro-ondes dans les maisons?
Désolée de te décevoir,mais j'ai un contact sur truenudist (anglais ) de Moscow, qui me confirme qu'ils ont bien des Micros-ondes chez eux ainsi que d'autres maison. Sans vous offencé, See you take care.......RINGO...
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Commère jacassante

Lieu : Montreal

Inscription : 10/01/2011

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Jan 2011 - 13:14

Mais il faux pratiquer la sexualité tantrisme pour avoir des spermatozoïde vigoureux car on ne liber pas l'énergie dans cette pratique.
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Discoureur verbeux

Lieu : Laval

Inscription : 05/04/2010

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MessageSujet: Re: Spermatozoïdes vigoureux   Spermatozoïdes vigoureux - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMer 12 Jan 2011 - 13:30

Rendu à mon âge, je ne m'inquiète plus si mes spermatos manquent de vigueur...en autant que le projecteur est bien en forme !!!!!!
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Spermatozoïdes vigoureux

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